
  1. Brain Pop-Space:
  2. Milky Way
  3. Brain Pop- Outer Solar Systems:
  4. Brain Pop- Black Holes:
  5. Galaxies:
  6. National Geographic- Autumnal Equinox:
  7. NASA: Astronomy Picture of the Day:
  8. Sun, Moon and Earth


  1. Brain Pop- Earth:
  2. Earth: Earth View: This site shows where on earth we have daylight and where we have darkness.


  1. Brain Pop- Moon:
  2. Brain Pop- Phase of the Moon:
  3. Lunar Calendar:
  4. Lunar Phases:
  5. Moon Phases
  6. Moon Calendar:
  7. Moon Giant:
  8. Phases of the Moon Interactive:
  9. International Observe the Moon Night:
  10. NASA -What To Watch Out for on the Harvest Moon 

Sun and Stars:

  1. Brain Pop- Life Cycle of a Star:
  2. Brain Pop-Sun
  3. Sun, Sun Information, Facts: By National Geographic
  4. Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events:

Our Solar System:

  1. Brain Pop-Solar System:
  2. Nine Eight Planets,The
  3. Planets, NASA:


  1. Brain Pop- Eclipse:
  2. Animation of a Lunar Eclipse 1: By © 2001 Fred Espenak 
  3. Animation of a Lunar Eclipse 2: By © 2001 Fred Espenak
  4. Eclipses: Annular Solar Eclipse: This site explains in some detail the solar eclipse.
  5. Eclipses During 2010, NASA: This site could help students understand more about eclipses.
  6. Eclipse Interactive - change variables and explore eclipses
  7. Lunar Eclipse as Seen From the Moon (Artist Concept)
  8. Lunar Eclipse Interactive:
  9. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter:
  10. NASA | Understanding Lunar Eclipses:
  11. NASA | Need To Know: Lunar Eclipse and LRO:
  12. Solar and Lunar Eclipses
  13. Time and Date, Eclipse: This site has general information about solar and lunar eclipse.
  14. The April 15, 2014 Total Lunar Eclipse : By Astronomer Michelle Thaller
  15. Vocabulary Solar Eclipses:

Vocabulary- NASA Solar Eclipse Glossary:

  1. Umbra-  The umbra is the darkest part of the Moon's shadow. In the umbra, the Sun is completely blocked by the Moon.
  2. Partial eclipse - A solar eclipse in which the Moon's penumbral shadow traverses Earth. During a partial eclipse, the Moon appears to block part (but not all) of the Sun's disk. 
  3. Penumbral: penumbra - The penumbra is the weak or pale part of the Moon's shadow. In the penumbra, the Sun is only partially blocked by the Moon.
  4. Total eclipse - A solar eclipse in which the Moon's umbral shadow traverses Earth (Moon is close enough to Earth to completely cover the Sun). The Sun's disk is completely blocked Moon. The Sun's faint corona is then safely revealed to the naked eye.
  5. Totality- The Moon's disk completely covers the Sun. Totality is the period between second and third contact during a total eclipse. It can last from a fraction of a second to a maximum of 7 minutes 32 seconds.
                      • References:
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