
Ocean Resources Links:

  1. Biodiversity: Deep Sea: Ocean Link
  2. Census of Marine Life Gallery:
  3. NOAA Ocean Explorer: Living Ocean Gallery : Sea Creatures, Ocean Biology, Marine Conservation: MarineBio/ Marine Life:

Extended Activities:

  1. Animals: Explorer Discover, Connect SeaWorld, :
  2. Dive into the Deep Sea, Monterey Bay Aquarium: Printable Activity
  3. MySubmarine Explorer: NOAA Ocean Explorer: Flash 8 or higher required, recommended, resolution 1024x768 or higher recommended. Sound card and speakers are required to hear the audio. Adobe PDF reader will be required to view PDF documents.
  4. Ocean Puzzle Challenge :NOAA Ocean Explorer:
  5. Picture Puzzle NOAA Ocean Explorer:

Teacher Resources:

  1. Biodiversity: Deep Sea: Ocean Link
  2. Census of Marine Life Gallery:  
  3. Lesson Planet:
  4. Life in the Deep Sea: Monterey Bay Aquarium:
  5. NOAA Ocean Explorer: Living Ocean Gallery:
  6. Ocean, Seas and Coasts:
  7. Ocean Portal:
  8. Oceanus:
  9. Sea Creatures, Ocean Biology, Marine Conservation: MarineBio/ Marine Life:
  10. NOAA Ocean Explorer: Professional Development ( Teacher Resource)
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